Everyone looks amateur when their perspective is different and goal is very high. Consider a baby trying to walk, at first it starts to crawl. It learns how to crawl using hands and legs. Later it masters the crawling ability and starts to walk. Improving our self comes right from the start itself. Isn't that the nature of a human being!! Right? Our brain tends to learn new things. That's how human starts to explore the world. We have a lot to learn. Even when we think that we have achieved something, higher goals starts appearing in front of us. We can compare that with human desires. We never settle with anything. If you think that you have achieved something by completing your education, it's totally bullshit. At some point of your life you will definitely realize that what you have studied during education is of no use. If not everyone, at least for most of them. But whatever the job you get, start loving it. Becau...
As the name suggest, it's all about my thinking !!!